Mama-pikin foundation

News and Updates

Responding to The Ebola Epidemic

The foundation purchased bleach, soap, gloves and other necessary supplies for our clinics. It conducted trainings for all the health workers at the clinics we support, to give them tools to help protect themselves from Ebola. It held community sensitization and education sessions at each of the four clinics to teach the communities about keeping themselves and their families safe from Ebola and to help decrease stigma and fear so that community members know how to protect themselves and know what to do if a family member gets sick. The foundation also partnered with the group – Sierra Leoneans in Georgia United to Fight Ebola, to raise funds which have been used to air freight medical supplies and to support health care workers and other people affected by the Ebola outbreak.

2023 Annual Report

Our 2023 Annual Report showcases the significant progress we have made in enhancing maternal and child health in Sierra Leone.

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