Support for Pregnant Women
The Mama-Pikin Foundation has been providing a delivery bucket to every woman who delivers a baby at our supported clinics since 2008. Each bucket contains a sheet of plastic to provide a clean surface area for delivery, a Lappa (cloth) to wrap the baby, and a bar of soap. Each kit costs $8 and we have distributed over 15,000 buckets so far. These buckets have been very successful in decreasing maternal and neonatal infections, and in providing an incentive for women to come to the clinics to deliver. Dangerous home deliveries have been decreased substantially in the areas served by the Mama-Pikin Foundation-supported clinics.
Additionally, transportation allowances are provided for women in labor who are brought to one of our clinic by a motorcycle (Taxi). Furthermore, the Mama-Pikin Foundation supports the Community Health Officers to promote delivery in clinics, breastfeeding, and identification of sick and at risk pregnant women and children.